Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nudity and Class

Sex-arrested yet again: Dominique Strauss-Kahn is in French police custody in connection with a prostitution ring.

The crux of the matter is as simple as Zola's characterization of the Parisian prostitute Nana: All Paris was likely to get in once Nana opened her thighs.

Straus Kahn, now a butt of jokes on French television--on the puppet show "Les Guignols", Strauss Kahn is caricatured as an oversexed skirt-chaser in leopard-print bathrobe--apparently dropped his pants or opened his flies, and every time he opened the gates, women got in (or so it seems).

Could several of the women at Strauss Kahn gatherings have been prostitutes? The French police asks. Did Strauss Kahn knowingly consort with prostitutes?

The gentleman's lawyer has argued a resounding "no":
People are not always clothed at these parties. I challenge you to tell the difference between a nude prostitute and a classy lady in the nude.
His argument: a majority of the women that Strauss Kahn consorted with at gatherings would be in the nude. Can you tell the difference between a classy lady and a whore when both are in the nude?

Great question! Makes you think about the philosophical query of whether clothes make the woman.

It isn't possible to tell a class female apart from a whorish one? Shows that Strauss Kahn never attempted to speak to any of the women. He simply came at them with his flies open? Surely one can tell somebody's "class" when one engages in a conversation? Or, maybe naked female's class can be ascertained through other means?

Strauss Kahn has always seemed to be in a hurry, to get it over with, as the case with the hotel maid in New York City demonstrated, and the case with the French journalist--his goddaughter--showed.

I wonder what my dearest friend T thinks of all this...She was an ardent admirer of Strauss Kahn and was resolute in her belief that the lowly maid from the Bronx had tried to frame Strauss Kahn on rape charges. Surely, T had argued, this French gentleman had class enough to distinguish between who deserved to suck his instrument?

Well, the latest sexarrest of Strauss Kahn proves that the Parisian gentleman is class-blind.

Caveat to classy ladies: Never appear in public in the nude or your class risks getting dissolved.

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