Monday, March 11, 2013

Century 21 goes to the moon

Ordinarily, one would laugh at the proposition that you could buy and sell property on places outside the earth.

But this proposition isn't risible or a crack pot scheme anymore; this video demonstrates that entrepreneurs are making money, even if its paper money for the time being, by selling lunar properties.

Ridiculous or ominous?

To me, conceptually, it's a mark of crude acquisitiveness to consider the moon as real estate/ "property," to be bought and sold like the slaves of yore.

The moon-dealer from Nevada, is an Oklahoman, who calls himself a "pioneer," re defining a pioneer as somebody who not only thinks outside the box, but outside the planet as well.

Alas, the white colonizer's acquisitive instincts have degenerated into that of a swindling instinct.

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