Tuesday, January 21, 2014

China Shining

Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrence in "The Shining" 
You can't forget the scene in Stanley Kubrick's psychological thriller, The Shining. Jack Torrence would stick his face from behind drawn curtains and utter, "Heerrrrr's Johnny!" to scare the brains out of his son Danny.

Imagine Jack in a different setting, let's say an abstract global setting, perched atop a vantage point somewhere between the global North and the South and announcing "Heerrrrr's China! !" Would he spook people out?

Contending powers like America, might be nervous to know that China is indeed "here", as a superpower, as is evidenced by this blurb of its influence in the world today:
To fuel its export engine China, has scoured the world to acquire energy, minerals and other natural resources and has emerged as the biggest donor of aid to Africa. By 2035, China will be consuming a fifth of all global energy; it already buys 22 percent of Australian raw material exports, 12 percent of Brazil's and 10 percent of South Africa's exports. China’s own export clout has been translated to a record reserve of 3 trillion dollars, some 900 billion dollars of which consists of US debt. A wealthy China has emerged as a helper in a financial crisis. Chinese purchase of Greek government bonds helped to diffuse the country’s recent crisis. If additional proof was needed for China’s rise as a global economic superpower it came in December 2010 when Portuguese officials traveled to China to seek its help in averting a Greek-style default.

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