Friday, September 26, 2014

Attaining political nirvana through Moditva

I'd like to grab a copy of this book, called Moditva. The book, conceptualized and executed by the ruling party of India, the BJP, has all the clever slogans used by Narendra Modi since his election campaign.

Just as Russian President Vladimir Putin has successfully manipulated words and messages to make his territorial designs on neighboring sovereign nations look normal, justified, even, Narendra Modi, the Indian Premier, has been able to build a fabulous fan base with his wily aphorisms and alliterative mantras.

The Nazis had historically perfected the art of the effective political speech so as to hold almost an entire nation of exemplary Germans in its thrall. However, in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, one hears of the virtue of the alliteratively-delivered mantras that moves into the human brain by dulling it down into an ideal, non-critical receiver of messages. Caesar's nemesis Anthony was smart but he desisted from giving smart speeches to the public, as smart speeches might just trigger off the discerning nerves in the human neurocircuitry.

I am hoping there is progress from Moditva to Modisatva before Modi leaves office.

Some of the best alliterative slogans from Narendra Modi are, "Toilets befor temples" and "Development over deity." He has gone a long way to bolster his secular credentials to erase the taint of the Gujarat riots of 2002 under his stewardship.

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