Friday, October 5, 2012

A thought on the Presidential debate #1

On my way to my neighborhood grocery store, I cross a street with two-way traffic and without a walk sign.

Needless to say, I have to keep my ears and eyes open for cavalier drivers.

Today, a young woman in a SUV stood still for more than 40 seconds, allowing pedestrians to cross. Seconds before I acknowledged her courtesy with a wave of gratitude, another driver pushes through with aggression and swerves into the street inches away from my toe.

A courteous driver and a bully of a driver: Who gets abused and whose behavior is deemed normal? The driver behind the courteous one screams "fuck you!" at the latter, to my shock and chagrin.

Having watched the first Presidential debate on Wednesday October 4 the picture of the drivers and the performances of Obama and Romney seem to be a bit analogous.

Romney is the driver who almost crushed my toes and rudely hogged the space at his disposal. Romney did the same in another context. His goal was to hog the limelight (instead of earning it over the evening), and he scolded the moderator. He also seemed anxious to steal time away from Obama.

Obama might have been the courteous driver who stood while pedestrians passed.

Yet, it was Obama who got clobbered by the media as the one who sleep-walked through the debate, and Romney received praises for his aggressive and blunt "style".

Americans look more and more like the surly guy who screamed at the courteous driver. Too impatient, myopic and precariously perched to reward the undeserving candidate.

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