Thursday, October 4, 2012

Xanax President

President Obama’s stylistic strategy during Wednesday night’s debate seemed to be to try to stay right above the rancor, to appear dignified, presidential. The problem with that approach is that the line between dignified and presidential and anodyne and weak is the width of a cat’s hair.

--Charles Blow's assessment in nytimes. The message: ability to be rancorous=sign of confidence.

Frank Bruni's take on Obama's "ambien" performance last night:

He toggled between light and heavy, scathing and upbeat, and demonstrated improved (though not great) control of that annoyed, tight, fake smile that plays so disastrously into his cartoon image as “a wealthy plutocrat married to a known equestrian,” in the inimitable words of Haley Barbour.

Haven't and won't delve into the Republican posts as the vitriol would be too much to bear. Extreme avoidance of the George Wills and the Charles (Sour)Krauthammers.

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