Thursday, May 23, 2013

Man Booker for Lydia Davis

Lydia Davis, the marvelous translator of Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, has been awarded the 2013 Man Booker Prize for her Collected Short Stories.

Davis is known for writing some of the shortest short fiction in recent times, and they have been critically acclaimed as, among other things, "sparse", "sly" and "strangely incantatory" in their style.

Here is Davis' story, How Often He is Right:
Often I think that his idea of what we should do is wrong, and my idea is right. Yet I know that he has often been right before, when I was wrong. And so I let him make his wrong decision, telling myself, though I can’t believe it, that his wrong decision may actually be right. And then later it turns out, as it often has before, that his decision was the right one, after all. Or, rather, his decision was still wrong, but wrong for circumstances different from the circumstances as they actually were, while it was right for circumstances I clearly did not understand.

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