Monday, May 14, 2012

Heart of Marriage Equality-Ness

When Allen Ginsberg wrote sardonically about the "Communist scare" in America in the 1960s, in his poem, America: An Open Letter, he unearthed the hypocrisy underlying the fear-mongering.

What if the communists invade America and America becomes a nation of dreaded Communist values? Momentarily Ginsberg slips into the shoes of the anti-Communists and says, "Oh no, when America becomes a Communist nation, god forbid how the poor Native Americans would be free to have equal opportunity to education and how the "Niggers" would be de-negroized and rendered equal citizens along side the white privileged class!"

That was mock-empathy at its best.

Cartoonist Brian Mcfadden does a swell job with a similar kind of mock empathy in his "The Strip". He slips into the "fears" of those who want to deny marriage equality rights to gays and lesbians in America, and emulates their paranoia in light of President Obama's recent declaration that he is "for" marriage equality.

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