Thursday, January 31, 2013

Can lesbians be misogynists?

Can lesbians be misogynists? 

A brief introduction of two lesbian novelists, the British Mary Renault (1905-1983) and The French-Belgian Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987), by a contemporary writer Agnes Bushell, suggests that this is a distinct possibility.

According to Bushell, Renault and Yourcenar both created idealized homosexual characters, but they were all inevitably male. Strangely, they both seemed to despise their female characters, all of whom, says Bushell, "are either absent or loathsome."

Moreover, they go back in time to ancient Greek history and mythology to model their heroic gay male characters on.

In other words, their creative inspirations remarkably match those of gay male writers of their era, like Arthur Symons. 

It could be that to come out openly as a lesbian would've been risky for both women, and to champion lesbian characters would've got negative press or no press at all. Safer to exalt same sex male love than same sex female romance? 

The titles of some of the novels by Renault and Yourcenar indicate the presence of male personas. Here are two samples:

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