Thursday, April 18, 2013

Download Yunews instead of YouTube

I like alternative views instead of carping against an established view.

Take for instance what Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, the innovative microcredit lending institution, and Nobel Prize recipient, has to say about, not simply against capitalism:
The profit orientation is only one orientation of a person. The same people who are interested in profit making are also selfless. I am not saying that capitalist theory is wrong. I am saying that it has not been interpreted and practiced fully. The selfless part of human beings has not been allowed to play out. As a result, we created a concept of business based on money-centric, one-dimensional human beings. But real human beings are multidimensional.
Like the Biblical house of the Father with multiple rooms, the metaphorical house of capitalism too has multiple rooms; Yunus points out that the world thus far has focused on opening the door to just one. 

In response to a question about envisioning a world with minimal poverty, Yunus makes a connection with Science Fiction:
People dreamt of going to the moon when they couldn’t even fly. They put the idea in science fiction. People always love science fiction. Look at the popularity of TV shows like “Star Trek”; it lets you feel the sensation of going to other galaxies. Then science always followed science fiction. Although it was fiction, somehow it inspired people. So I encourage people to write social fiction: imagine society where all our present problems remain totally unknown. All the impossible things of today’s world are routine there. At this moment that society looks impossible. It seems there is no way we will ever get there. But our minds will open. If we can imagine, it will happen. If we cannot imagine, it will never happen.
Social fiction! Haven't read that many, and the one that comes closest to the genre Yunus has in mind is Indra Sinha's Animal's People.

Lastly, Yunus asks business schools to introduce an M.B.A in social business.

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