Sunday, June 3, 2012

Natural and economic disasters

Economics is everywhere. Its omnipresence is so pervasive that it "sucks".

Now, even the world's most famous, end-of-the-world terminologies, that used to have at least a quasi, if not pure, religious connotation, have been co-opted by economics.

The word "deluge", for instance, is now part of the parlance of the much publicized doomsday scenario of an imminent global economic disaster.

What would future deluges and tsunamis of currencies look like? An avalanche of currencies untethered to any nation, and hitting the shores of countries in a state of loose untetheredness, and rendering the economies of nations weaker and weaker.

Who are the Noahs? The Goldman Sachs? And whom will they take aboard their ship? the 1%?

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