Saturday, June 2, 2012

What else can be banned from NYC?

New York City is taking up the cudgels against Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed ban on the sale of large sugary drinks at restaurants and other places in the city.

The NYTimes solicited the following suggestions from readers: What substances, practices, and persons would they wish to see banned from the city's public spaces, if they had Bloomberg's executive powers. I have highlighted the one's that I would like to be prohibited as well

The list is here:

Car alarms


Bad pizza

Lower back tattoos on women


Passing gas on the subway

Pedestrians with umbrellas that are wider than they are tall

Sidewalk preachers


Applying makeup while driving

Lax oversight of expensive city contracts

Movie ads, in subways and on billboards, that prominently feature guns

Investing city pension assets in the secondary security market

Using the East Side Heliport on weekends

Horseback riding





James Dolan

Kenny G.



Eating, if you’re fat

Not eating, if you’re skinny

Plastic shopping bags

Cell yell

Traffic enforcement agents’ cars blocking traffic to write tickets

Cheap plastic fluorescent backlit signs

Killing animals in shelters

Lethal ammunition in the firearms of police officers on patrol

Scam sexual enhancement pills at bodega checkouts

Cab drivers asking you what route you want to take and then debating your choice

Waiters and waitresses sharing their personal feelings about chosen menu items

Ugly doors on architecturally significant schools and public buildings

Public nose picking


Ketchup at hot-dog stands

Handbags designed to carry dogs

Stopping to converse in the middle of a busy sidewalk

Transit officials who don’t depend on public transportation enacting route changes and fare hikes

Anyone the mayor met at a cocktail party from running a city agency

Sitting in the window of Starbucks with a laptop, headphones and wearing sunglasses during normal, weekday business hours.

Yankees caps in the colors of other teams

Bottled water

Telemarketing calls to cellphones.

Storefront teeth-whitening shops

Grocery store fliers

Sealed windows in office buildings

Motorcycles without mufflers

Large restaurant entrees

Fat shoelaces

Unprovable statistics

Strollers on public transit

Seventh grade


Fish with bones in them

Getting old




News conferences

Stupid laws

Self-financing of campaigns for public office


Third terms for mayors

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